Friday, May 30, 2014

Hello Parents!

The students wrote their spelling tests this morning, which have been sent home for your review and signature! A review of ei-/-ei sounds will be done (eight, neighbour, reindeer). Students who work with words in spelling list 3 are doing very well with contractions.

Math continued with a review on Division as there is still some confusion. Monday we will begin our new unit on 2-D Geometry.  The math worksheets on multiplication and division will be due for submission and marks on Tuesday.

The class watched the movie A Little Princess and completed their venn diagrams on the comparison of the book and the movie. Students did an excellent job at recognizing even the most subtle differences. Starting next week the students will be working on their creative writing skills.

In the afternoon, the students got together with the grade one class for Choir and Drama. In Drama the students "made it rain" inside by snapping, slapping their thighs and stomping their feet. The also worked on different team building activities as well as building their listening skills.

- Please wear house team colours on Monday!
- A Little Princess Final Test on Monday!
- Math worksheets due Tuesday!

Here's to a successful week, Everyone! Hard to believe there is only one month left!

Have an amazing weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What a perfect day for our Track and Field meet!!

These energetic grade 2's really showed their stuff this morning on the field!
The grade 2's participated in ball throw, 200m and 400m run, as well as the long jump! All students were very successful!  It was great to hear all the encouraging words to one another! Way to go!!

This afternoon continued with Language, finishing up A Little Princess. Students will be watching the A Little Princess movie tomorrow during language, and will be completing charts to compare the novel to the movie. It will be important for the students to see how different movie renditions can be from the actual story the author wrote!

For Values, students have been discussing "Courage". The students brainstormed ideas of what it means to be courageous, and they saw how different everyone's idea of courage can be. As a class we discussed an art piece for using the letters of the word courage to create something abstract. These unique pieces will show how courage can be shown or represented in many different ways!

A wonderful day today!! Enjoy the rest of it!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Good Afternoon Everyone!!

Another great day here in Grade 2!!  The Spring Concert has arrived!!

The students did extra practice during Spelling today for their test on Friday!

Some extra Math work was put together for reassuring understanding on multiplication and division. These grade 2's are working to apply their multiplication and division skills in various types of questions and word problems. We are practicing reading questions carefully to understand what the questions are asking, and how to know whether we divide or multiply.

During Language Arts, the class was focused to complete their Phonics. A review of adding -ing and -ed endings will be done on Friday.

A Little Princess is coming to an end, the students have completed up to Chapter 19, and are currently writing their own version of an ending for the story before we finish the book tomorrow. The students will be writing the final test for A Little Princess on Monday.

During Writing Workshop today, the students excitedly wrote creative stories based on a provided picture. They were encouraged to use their imaginations and develop stories based on what they see happening in the picture. They are well on their way!!!

Tomorrow is Track and Field, and students are to wear comfortable clothes suitable for running and participating in the events tomorrow!

I look forward to seeing you all at the Spring Concert this evening!! Please arrive by 6:30pm!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hello Parents!!

The students were eager to get started with their Spelling this morning. Words were written in alphabetical order and some exercises were completed to find different words that make similar sounds within the words.

The class successfully completed their Math Unit 10 tests. The tests have been marked and sent home with each child. We will take up any corrections tomorrow in class and check for understanding before moving on to our next unit.  The final unit for June will be on 2-D Geometry. Bring on the shapes!!

Phonics - Exercises focusing on following the rules for adding -ing endings to single consonant ending words with short vowel sounds. Students practiced when to double the ending consonants and when to keep them the same.

Language Arts - We read Chapter 19 of A Little Princess and made some predictions about what will happen in the last chapter.

Art has been postponed, as our Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal took place today! Everyone has worked so hard, and these grade 2's are extremely excited to show you this Wednesday Night!

Gym took place outside today!! So exciting that the weather is warming up for us all!

***Just a Reminder! Monday is our beginning of the month assembly. Students are to wear their house colours!!

Enjoy another beautiful day!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hello Parents!

How thrilled I am to have met all the children in this amazing Grade 2 class!  My name is Miss. Clapham, and I will be your child's teacher from now until year end!  All the children made me feel so welcome by sharing their favourite things and demonstrating how responsible they are with all their roles and expectations.

We started the morning with new Spelling words. In Phonics we reviewed -ing and -ed word endings as well as base words. Language Arts continued with A Little Princess. The students read silently and worked diligently on their chapter questions.

In Mathematics, the students reviewed for their Math Unit test tomorrow. They were extremely helpful to explain multiplication and division strategies with one another. I shared a new strategy for multiplying and dividing which was folded and placed in their agendas for review.

Science - These insightful students discussed different types of  mechanisms that help us from day to day, as well as brainstormed other tools that make our lives just a little bit easier. (Pulleys, levers, wedges, hinges, etc)
Printing - Capital J
Library Exchange - students checked out new books, and returned previously checked out books.

The students were efficient and helpful to one another and me during the days activities.
I look forward to meeting you all over the next few weeks!
Enjoy this wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hello Parents what an exciting day here today in Grade Two. The students were incredibly engaged in all of their activities and had some wonderful learning experiences.

Language Arts - The day started with the students reflecting on this week's Spelling words and exercises. They thoughtful communicated their ideas and solutions with each other, by sharing insights. The exercises focused on the ~ig~ sound in might, night, and light and the visual connecting of spelling words with spaces. In Phonics these dynamite Grade Twos demonstrated their knowledge in a principled application of when to use ~s~ or ~es~ to express plural forms. Following phonics, the students continued with their novel study of A Little Princess and their comprehension exercises for Chapter 14. The students have expressed valuable insights into the feelings of the main character and her situation.

Mathematics - Today we continued our lessons on multiplication, division, and fractions. The students quickly and strategically completed their exercises through using learned strategies of "groups of". The were asked to divide 24 in to equal parts and write a sentence expressing this outcome.

Writer's Workshop - Paragraph writing on "Famous You" Final draft.

Physical Education - Track & Field

Values - Courage

Flat Stanley Projects!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Return Maples Students!

Spelling - Today we began our morning by discussing our spelling words for the week. The students copied down their words and continued with extra spelling work after.

Phonics - Contractions.

Weekly Journal - Has been reviewed and returned. A new topic was added which will be due on Friday.

Mathematics - Continued with their "groups of" mathematical sentences. Using knowledge skills of grouping to create multiplication sentences.

Langauge Arts - The students continued with their novel study of A Little Princess, they reflectively answered comprehension questions and prepared well balanced ideas. The Chapters covered today were 12 & 13.

Flat Stanley Presentations - Very well done, reflective, and inquisitive projects!! Well done Grade Twos!!

Printing - The letter "I"

Library - Book Exchange & Read Aloud

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello Parents,

Today was a dynamite day and I'm thrilled to be back! I would like to thank you for all of your hard work and guidance regarding the Flat Stanley Project. I would like to mention that I have decided to give an extension on the project. It will be due and presented on Tuesday, May 20, 2014.

Language Arts - Today we discussed the different forms of transportation in Spelling. The students inquired as to the different forms of transportation (land, air, and water) and then applied their knowledge to grouping transportation vocabulary into categories. In Grammar, we continued our lesson on /ear/ words. A Little Princess Novel Study was engaging this morning. The students read through and acquired a deeper knowledge of the story's characters, primarily investigating how to describe each character in their own words.

Mathematics - Math today was a "Minds On" Lesson. The students first worked on dividing themselves into halves, thirds, fourth, and fifths as a whole class. They demonstrated understanding of how to equalling divide groups of and how sometimes groups can not be divided equally. They then transitioned into their written work and applied their learning experience to their exercises.

Science - Movement & Motion!! Today we kicked off our afternoon with a wonderful video from Bill Nye, on Motion! The students were extremely excited about their learning after the video and we engaged in an in-depth discussion about the message of the video. The students post discussion gathered in small groups and wrote out in their own words their own understanding of one of the ideas or concepts from the video.

Health - "Substance, Use and Abuse" - The focus was on Safe Use of Medicines, we discussed and shared as a group a decision making model that they may follow to help make decisions regarding medicines.

Physical Education - Track Field Practice.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!! Filled with Reading Comprehension, Fractions, and Vincent Van Gogh!

Langauge Arts: Today began with the students engaging once again in a terrific lesson in Spelling the focus was on their list words and how they can be created into contractions, the adding of 'ed' to the end of their list words, and how their list words have similar sounds. All of the students practiced taking risks in their understanding by asking questions about their learning and clarification about their solutions. Following Spelling, the students engaged collaboratively on their in depth summary of Chapter 8 of "A Little Princess". Their written work was well thought out and presented beautiful insights into the feelings and thoughts of the main character Sara and her interaction with the other characters with in the novel.

Mathematics: Today was Fraction Understanding Day! The lesson began with a whole group discussion regarding how they have been dividing "groups of" items. This kicked of their Learning Goal: "I learned what halves, thirds, and fourths are and how they are represented." The class outlined the Success Criteria:

  • Halves are two parts of a whole 
  • Thirds are three parts of a whole
  • Fourths are four parts of a whole
The students participated in inclusive problem based group work, that allowed them to achieve their learning goal through their established Success Criteria. They effectively labeled halves, thirds, and fourths as 2, 3, 4 parts of a whole.

Visual Arts: Vincent Van Gogh was the topic of today's art class. We discussed who this man might be. Why is he famous? What did he do? Then an informative read aloud was presented that allowed the students to connect with the artist through his use of texture, lines, shapes, and most importantly his feelings that were present in all of his works. The children after the read aloud, were given time to express their own individual voice through choosing a simple object and adding line, shape, texture, and emotion in colour. The result was fantastic! Flowers, Bows/Arrows, Houses, Landscapes, etc.

Physical Education: Track & Field Practice - Ball Throw and Running

Growth Mindset Lesson

This was from Monday :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello Parents,

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!

Today we had some mini lessons on Signal Words and Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Language Arts:
Spelling New Words and Exercises completed this morning. The students also practiced their Phonics and continued working on their Novel Study "A Little Princess", Chapter 8. They communicated with each other in a caring and open minded fashion and gained new knowledge.

Mathematics: The students continued extending their prior knowledge by practicing on dividing exercises and learning new strategies of recognition.

Science: In class we completed a formal Scientific Experiment Template, based on our bouncing balls experiment. The students expressed their conclusions and results by reflecting on their process.

Printing: The letter "H"

Library: Book Exchange

*Special Note: On Wednesday an Ice Cream Truck will be visiting the Maples Academy. If you would like your child to have an ice cream the cost will be a minimum donation of $2.00 to Family Transition House. ($2.00 per One Ice Cream)

Friday, May 9, 2014

New Sand Excitement!!

Mother's Day Surprise!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Pizza Friday!! - Thank you PTA

Spelling - Quiz

Math - The students continued with their skill and knowledge building of Division Sentences. They collaboratively solved problems about dividing apples and crayons amongst certain amounts of children. All students expressed fundamental understanding and accessed their prior knowledge when articulating their solutions.

Language Arts - Phonics exercises & Continuation of Reading Comprehension of "A Little Princess", Chapter 6. I am extremely impressed with the students dedication to their own learning and how their  communication of ideas has appeared in their writing.

Art - Mother's Day Surprise

Physical Education - Track & Field Practice

Drama - Friendship Scenes.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Langauge Arts - Today in Language Arts the students completed their Spelling in a caring manner. They respected the ideas and answers of others, while expressing their own insights towards the assigned task. In Grammar, the students focused on the application of /ear/, using such words as "pear, wear, tear, bear" and listening to the difference in sound and meaning. After Math, the children continued their work on A Little Princess, they are keeping open minds while comprehending the written material. All of the students have expressed a deep interest in the novel and are improving their reading fluency.

Mathematics - Math was an awesome lesson today! The students accessed their prior knowledge from the previous days in order to take risks in learning division grouping and sentences. In a whole class discussion we openly talked about how to group 12 and 18. The students all demonstrated balanced understanding of division grouping and fundamental knowledge of the material.

Science - In science we continued our understanding of "Movement" with a bouncing ball experiment and how balls bounce on different surfaces, and how different balls bounce on the same surface. The students displayed excitement and reflected wonderfully on their learned knowledge throughout the experiment.

Health - "Prescription & Non-Prescription Drugs", the students worked collaboratively to think about different types of drugs. What are prescription drugs and what are non-prescription drugs? They also, achieved understanding of what a some medicine rules are.

Physical Education - Track & Field running practice.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

House Team Day!! All the students were super excited today about joining their house teams and engaging in activities to build sportsmanship.

This morning, in Spelling we continued with our exercises on our list words. The students remained reflective and diligent in their accomplishments.

Math - This was an excellent lesson today continuing on with the concepts of "addition sentences" and "multiplication sentences". The students excelled in their work. They remained open minded to new strategies and built upon their prior knowledge.

Language Arts - The students focused on their Phonics and A Little Princess novel study. They diligently completed their phonics with definite success and then took their time to think critically about their Chapter 4 comprehension in the novel.

Writer's Workshop - The students completed their final draft of "Space Day". Once completed they shared their written work with enthusiasm!

House Team Activities - The students had a blast with challenges and building teamwork.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Back to a regular day and it was filled with sunshine!!

This morning the students completed their Spelling exercises which focused on their list words and sentence fluency. They worked in a caring fashion helping each other work through many of the questions.

In Mathematics, we had a dynamic lesson beginning with a discussion on multiplication sentences and addition sentences. They expressed gained knowledge of "group of" and "amount in the group". They took risks by answering questions such as: What is the multiplication sentence for 5+5+5+5+5+5+5 (6x5), understanding that the addition sentence and multiplication sentence result in the same answer. A new found confidence was gained by the Grade Twos today!

Language Arts, began with their work in their Phonics text focusing on contractions. Following Phonics the students transitioned seamlessly into their "A Little Princess" Novel Study and comprehension questions for Chapter 3. The students are beginning to identify the differences and similarities of the characters with in the story, and they are making connections about life in England.

This afternoon, the students gathered together and had a preliminary look at their Flat Stanley packages that have been returned. Not all students had their packages, but they will be given the chance to share them with the class sometime this week. The students were also, given time to work on an outline for their presentation board, which will be due May 16, 2014. All of the students are excited about their presentations and I'm sure they will be extremely successful!

The last two periods were structured around Computers & Physical Education. In computers the students worked on their keyboarding skills and Raz Kids. Following Computers we continued with our soccer skill building.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5,2014

Today began with a bang! The Grade 1-4 students from the Maples Academy did a beautiful job at the DYFA! We shared in the art of young people in our community and participated with enthusiasm.

When we returned we worked on our new spelling words, printing, and enjoyed book exchange in the Livrary.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Welcome Cody!!! Today was a day filled with excitement… we had a new visitor in our class who had an amazing day! Cody made new friends and gained new knowledge. Great Work Cody, we hope to see you again soon.

We began our day with our Spelling quiz. The students were very prepared and completed their quizzes with success.

In Math, we continued our work with skip counting and counting in groups. All of the children took risks in their learning, by opening their minds to new forms of skip counting. They informed they could skip count by 3's, 4's, 6's, and even 8's. They also, accurately expressed addition statements in the forming of groups.

Language Arts, was a wonderful and quiet period of the day when the students reflected on Chapter 2 of "A Little Princess". Establishing knowledge around the main character of the story and her relationships with others.


After we all filled up on delicious power wraps we focused on continuing our development of writing skills, in Writer's Workshop. Today the children wrote dynamic paragraphs on a Time Traveller Adventure. They were tasked to write about a trip into the past, what they saw, who they met, and the interesting adventures that took place.

At the end of the day, in Choir and Drama the students practiced their "Kite Poem" and songs for DYFA. A Guaranteed Hit!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

We began the month with an incredible bang! Principal's Choice Assembly!

The Grade Twos helped with presenting the May Value of "Courage" and they did a tremendous job! From the Grade Two class Maple received the Principal's Choice for April's Value of Honesty… Way to Go Maple!! Also, the Grade Twos who had perfect attendance for the month of were Jack, Spencer, Adelle, and Maple.

Following the assembly we returned to the classroom and engaged in our new unit in Mathematics which is, "Multiplication, Division, and Fractions". The Learning Goals for this unit can be found on the scroll tab under Subject Areas. The students focus was principled throughout the duration of the introduction of the unit and many inquiries were made. The math quizzes were also marked and returned, and I was extremely delighted with all of the results!

In Language Arts, we began our new Novel Study of the book "Little Princess". This novel was received with a slight disappointment from the boys in the class, but delight from the girls. I outlined to all the students that opening our minds to new text is how we can all learn new things about ourselves and that many different genres of books have been studied throughout the year! After, the novel study the students continued their Grammar exercises on ~are~ sound /air/.

Science, was a fantastic lesson! As a whole class we had a closer study of our unit of, "Movement". The lesson began with balanced understanding and reading from the book, "Move It". This book discusses and presents the concept of force. The children were inquisitive about the nature of push, pull, and friction. Following the group discussion the students completed a cross-curricular task of creating a template of information, which presented the type of force, it's definition and a diagram depicting the force that most interested them.

After, Science the students had a blast in Physical Education. They began their new unit "Soccer Skills". The children practiced proper passing techniques and trapping skills. After, practice the students went outside and had a fun game where they applied the knowledge they had gained.